FRAI carries out work in the areas of investment services, investment management, issuer disclosure, as well as CRAs and benchmarks.
Integrity and trust in financial markets across the EU are pre-requisites for enabling greater market-based financing of the economy, facilitating access to finance for companies, and allowing investors to participate in financial markets safely. FRAI develops, maintains and streamlines the single rulebook to reflect new practices and situations and works to ensure its effective and common application, thus strengthening the single EU market. Together with the NCAs FRAI focuses on bringing together supervisory capabilities and strategies to ensure effective and efficient supervision. Finally, in the areas of CRAs and benchmarks FRAI as the direct supervisor focuses on effective coordinated supervision across the EU financial markets.
Fund Management
Private investment funds are pooled investment vehicles typically run by professional fund managers
Financial Reporting, Sustainability Reporting, Electronic Reporting, Audit, Prospectus, Corporate Governance, Major Shareholdings and Takeover Bids related to companies admitted to trading on a regulated market.